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How to Fight Mental Illness Stigma at College With Fun: According to a new study out of Indiana University, students who take part in enjoyable, peer-directed activities that address mental illness are less likely to stigmatize people with the conditions. Researchers surveyed a single graduating class throughout their college years, as well as studied the effectiveness of U Bring Change to Mind (part of Bring Change to Mind). Says Bernice Pescosolido, professor of sociology at Indiana University and director of the Indiana Consortium for Mental Health Services Research: โ€œThis is really the first program to target stigma thatโ€™s been scientifically vetted from its inception. This pre- and post-analysis is very unique. Moreover, the results show these efforts really did change campus climateโ€ฆ not only regarding attitudes but also behaviors.โ€

Struggle With Self-Discipline? Do This Simple Exercise Every Single Day: Do you struggle getting yourself to the gym? Keeping your home clean and organized? Going to bed at a decent hour? Making healthy eating choices? Staying in your budget? People struggle with self-discipline in many different ways and for many different reasons, but if you try this skill-building exercise every day, itโ€™ll soon become easier and easier to regulate yourself.

Having a Mental Health Crisis? Dial 988: Well, not yet, but soon. With the number of suicides on the rise, the U.S. government wants the national crisis hotline quicker and easier to dial, like the three-digit numbers for emergencies (911) and city services (311). Currently, the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline is a typical 10-digit phone number, (800) 273-TALK (8255), but Federal Communications Commission Chairman Ajit Pai intends to start the process to change that to 988 โ€” a much quicker-to-dial number the FCC states will be easier for distressed people to get help.

Why You Need To Set Boundaries With Yourself: Even though boundaries essentially draw a line between whatโ€™s good for you and whatโ€™s not, itโ€™s difficult to set them and sometimes more difficult to keep them. Hereโ€™s why, as well as a few tips on how to establish personal boundaries.

If You Donโ€™t Have Enough Time, This Can Help: Take out a pen, paper, and timer and dedicate 10 minutes or so to this thought-provoking exercise to gain some self-awareness and make meaningful changes to how youโ€™re spending your time.

We Need to Stop Making Mental Illness Look Cool On Social Media: When you do a quick search of #depressed on Instagram, youโ€™ll get over 12 million posts โ€” many of which are black-and-white edits of attractive people engaging in destructive behavior like smoking or GIFs of sad cartoons or images with text like โ€œHelp me.โ€ Mental health professional Aditi Verma calls these romanticized depictions of mental illness โ€œbeautiful sufferingโ€; theyโ€™re โ€œmeme-ified version[s] of mental illness that reduces anxiety and depression to a temporary feeling capable of being depicted through dark edits and simplified text.โ€ How do these romanticized depictions affect the people who actually suffer from the disorders?

Psychology Around the Net: August 17, 2019

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